May 22, 2010

Mother's Day Bake Sale 4

Both recipes were relatively simple to follow. These are the Tilghman Treats. You roll the dough into a log, refrigerate for a bit and slice little rounds and bake until they are golden and crunchy. I was tempted to try these myself. They reminded me of a cheesy whole wheat crouton.

I mixed up the batter for the muffins and I used a mini muffin pan figuring these would be easier to feed a dog. A whole muffin might be a little much. I specifically went to the store to purchase mini muffin cup liners so they would be all cute and individually wrapped. They seemed to bake just fine and I packaged everything up and went to bed. . . .

The following afternoon, I decided to let our dogs taste test the extra dog treats. That's when I noticed the error of my ways in terms of the muffins. The paper liner cups were impossibly stuck to the muffins! This of course was quite disappointing since I had already packaged up a bunch of treats. Ugh. There was some debate about how much a dog would care about a little paper stuck to their banana carrot muffin. But C and I ultimately decided we would hate for that paper to be somehow detrimental to a dog (thinking intestinal obstruction) so only Tilghman's treats made it to the sale.

I would make the muffins again but obviously omit the paper liners. The dog muffin batter isn't quite the same consistency as a typical muffin batter or cake batter and I suspect that's what contributed to the major malfunction.

If you'd like the dog treat recipes or any other bake sale recipe, post a comment with an email address or other contact info and I'll pass them along.

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