March 4, 2010

Finding and Offering Love and Happiness in Simple Things

"A good home must be made, not bought."
- Joyce Maynard

In the chaos of media overload we seem to find ourselves embroiled in, isn't this a lovely idea? I hope you'll agree, home is not just your house - no matter the cost. It's also your community. . .your family and friends. . The human factor is precious real estate.

In the "not bought" spirit:

What does it cost to hug your husband, wife, children or friends a little more? Laughing is free. Does it cost anything to initiate a water fight, snow-ball battle, or a game of charades?

You can't put a price on smiles or love or a genuine heart.

Consider making heart shaped pancakes or PBJs for breakfast and lunch.

Consider a love note on a post it or napkin tucked in a briefcase or lunch bag.

Consider a wild and crazy display of love and affection in sidewalk chalk. Put it on the driveway, sidewalk, etc. Celebrate! Make sure the neighborhood knows too!

Consider a "throw down." Who can do ____________ XYZ chore the best and fastest. Winner gets to pick something fun - dinner, mini golf, game night. (Could do variations of this in conjunction with a "chore chart.")

Consider Just bringing the love. . .Cut some tiger lilies on the side of the road and leave them at your assistant's desk. Volunteer to read at a local library. Take your older neighbor some dinner/dessert, some magazines you've browsed, carry a few extra dog biscuits in your pocket when you're walking.

Not necessarily free. . .still good stuff. . .

Consider capturing fam and friends in everyday moments with a digital camera. Upload the pics to a photo service like Shutterfly They will practically design a memory book for you!

Consider purchasing one. . .Who has time to properly scrapbook? Who doesn't want their digital media uploaded somewhere "safe" (always back that up of course)? Who couldn't use a daily reminder that life is beautiful and amazing and precious?

Consider thinking like a photo journalist. Get creative with your editing software. Print in black and white. Move your subjects off-center.

Consider having a ginormous black and white fav photo printed (even bigger than standard poster size). Carefully cut the print into big and small "puzzle" pieces. Frame each piece in identical simple frames and hang the pieces in your stairway.

Take pics early and often. Love early and often. Make your home and heart open, inviting, gracious. It costs little and the smiles are indeed priceless.

Follow your heart, and home suddenly becomes effortless. . .priceless. . .

March 1, 2010


Think spring! Think spring! Think spring!

Think beautiful, simple tulips. Think brave crocus and hearty pansies. Think of the promise of forsythia and daffodils. Think tender pussy willow and fresh grass.

Allow their beauty to positively consume you!

Allow their heartiness and beauty to inspire you!

This pic inspires me. A little bobber lost in a pile of snow. Waiting? Waiting for all things spring. Waiting for sunny days to liberate it from winter's icy grip. . .Counting on the promise of spring.

As am I.