February 27, 2010

This Afternoon. . .

The houseplants all got a bath this afternoon.

I know a lot of folks that are afraid of plants. Or perhaps afraid of killing them. Houseplants are a wonderful way to enhance decor and offer the benefits of improving indoor air quality. . .So don't be scared.

There are many plants available that are quite hearty and are inexpensive or can be propagated from a cutting from a friend.

I will list a few of my go-to's and how I care for them in a bit. Currently have the bedrooms ripped apart and want to keep cleaning while the light is good!

This Morning. . .

I'm catching up on the correspondence. I think nearly everyone still likes to get a little note in the mail. It seems more personal and thoughtful than firing off a text message or email.

setting up a little corner in your world where you can be still and write a little love note today.

Consider making your pics into note cards. Shutterfly and other online photo services will print your photos onto a variety of stationary at a reasonable cost. How personal!

Consider sending a post card. They are inexpensive and so is the postage. Pick up some vintage ones in your area. In frames, they also make interesting and inexpensive wall art.

Or take a 4 by 6 photo, put on an adhesive post card backing and viola, you've made your own. PhotoStix is one brand name for post card backings. You could also Google search for other brands. I like to send funny photo post cards to folks after a party or holiday. Just order extra prints when you have your pics printed.

Consider making your own cards with scrap paper and a glue stick.

Consider investing in a lovely pen, stationary, pre-printed calling cards, beautiful address book, and perhaps a book of sample letters/compositions for all types of correspondence. You'll never be at a loss for words (or supplies)again!

If you don't have the space for a proper secretary desk, consider putting your cards, pens, and address book in a basket or shoe box covered with pretty paper. You can pull it out when you want to write letters at your table or vanity and tuck it away when it's dinner or dressing time.

Consider a pen pal. You can search online for secure pen pals all over the world. How interesting to get correspondence from another country, time zone, climate! Or correspond with someone in your community that may be in a nursing home or hospital or one of the brave men and women serving in our armed forces.

Consider saving the cards you receive. Cut out beautiful designs for re-use. Or send your cards to a charity for re-vamping and re-use. St. Jude's probably has the most well known program. Simply search online for "Greeting Card Recycle" or similar for more information.

Consider clipping magazine or newspaper articles that might be of interest to your friends and family. Include them with your note. How thoughtful of you and how fun for them!

The Point of These Posts

When I started the original Home Eck Wreck , I was planning to feature design and art and other domestic pursuits cooking, party planning, etc. However, it also quickly became a spot for posting various rantings, funny observations and photos from our various local adventures.

After a year of randomness, I've decided to make another go at more focused content, hence this blog.

I'm not a designer. I'm not an artist or event planner. I work full time in an industry that frequently allows little creative leeway. So this blog will be a good place for me to share my creative pursuits.

I've been studying a lot of blogs that seem similarly dedicated to this pursuit and I find that they post a lot of content they resource from magazines or other blogs - especially beautiful magazine quality shots of interiors. I do love that sort of inspiration; however, my goal is to keep that to a minimum on this blog. I might link to it but my hope is to post mostly original content.

The original Home Eck Wreck will not fundamentally change. It will still be a forum for my general insanity.

At some point, I hope to offer some of my work to be purchased. I'm not sure if that will happen directly from this page, or Etsy or both or neither? I'm still researching the need for business licenses and so forth. No matter, I plan to donate a portion of proceeds to various charities. Keep visiting for updates.

Thanks for your support!

February 24, 2010