April 14, 2010

Project Weekend - Table #001

For months now I've been yack-a-dackin' about how I don't have a proper dining table and our kitchen islands aren't built for comfortable eating. I wanted a drop leaf table to slide along my banister in the small area that transitions between the living room and kitchen (if you can call it that in such a small house).

I've been desiring said table for months ever since C told me it was highly improbable he was going to pay for an addition to the back of the house. Kill joy.

Anyway. . .

Once I learned that the basement needed emptied before we could do our little make-over down there, I started to look at the items I had, and I knew consolidation was in order.

That's when the light bulb went off! I had a perfectly good drop leaf table in the basement. It came from my paternal grandmother's home and it was sturdy andof appropriate scale. It could seat two beautifully and 4 as needed. It was PERFECT!!

Why didn't I think of this years ago? And a better question should be why did I think it was advisable to try out "crackle painting" techniques on it?

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